Thinking out of the box

Well said’ life is not a bed of roses’.

It is full of obstacles, hurdles and much more. But sometimes the solution is not as easy as it seems and we have to think out of the box to overcome the tough situations.

Out of the box? What's that?

 It is thinking away from the options available. Let's read this story. This will give you a clear idea of what ‘Out of the box ‘is?

Once there lived a farmer in a village who owed a huge amount to a loan-shark. The loan shark was old and unattractive but rich.

As you must have seen in many Bollywood movies, loan shark too fall for the farmer's daughter and considering farmer’s inability to pay the debt, he offered him a deal that would completely wipe out his debt. The catch was to marry his daughter.

Loan shark said would place two pebbles into a bag- black and white. The farmer’s daughter would reach for one and if she picked the black one, he would wipe out the complete debt of farmer and the girl has to marry the loan-shark. The other pebble means the loan will be wiped out without the farmer’s daughter getting married to him.

Having no other option, the farmer had to accept the deal.

The loan-shark picked two black pebbles and put them in the bag.

The farmer's daughter who was not only beautiful but wise too saw this. Now she had three options:

1. Refuse to pick the pebble.
2. Take both pebbles out and exposed his bad intentions
3 Ready to sacrifice and pick the pebble.

But she thought something and decided to pick the pebble. She picked up a pebble and without looking threw it accidentally. The pebble got mixed with other pebbles lying on the ground. She asked the loan-shark to look for the left pebble in the bag as it will decide which one she picked.

The loan-shark was left in shock and unwillingly he had to play along. The bag had black pebble which meant the girl escaped from the loan-sharks deal and her father’s debt was also wiped out.

The bottom line

Whatever options you can see is not always the whole picture, sometimes you have to think beyond the view or to think out of the box to overcome a tough situation.

Hope this small story will change your view towards the problems or hurdles in life.

Do share your views on what you think about this small piece?

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  1. Such a beautiful piece! That's a wise and beautiful girl.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a great story and it goes to show that sometimes the answer is actually easy

  4. Kela Marching Calvin11 March 2020 at 17:46

    Very interestinglife lesson.
